Annual Scholarship Dinner Raises Over $1 Million for San Miguel Program

San Miguel Program of Newburgh, NY  held its 20th Anniversary ‘Defying the Odd’s’ Scholarship Dinner at the Westchester Country Club in Rye, NY on Nov. 1, 2024. More than $1 million was raised to support the Program’s mission to break the cycle of poverty through education. Founded by Father Mark Connell, this year’s Impact Honoree, the faith-based educational services program is 100% funded by private donations. More than 425 people turned out to celebrate and honor Father Mark Connell, as well as the students and alumni who have benefitted from the Program. The dinner was co-chaired by Ann Mara Cacase, Sheila Mara, and Julie Pipolo.

 Two major scholarship initiatives were announced at the event. Bonnie and Tom Grace donated $50,000 to the School’s scholarship fund which supports middle school students and provides tuition gap assistance for students in independent secondary schools. It was matched by actor and vocalist,  Frank Shiner and his wife, Suzanne. Lauren and Bob Steers donated $500,000 to the newly launched Grandview Fund for post-secondary opportunities.  These funds will help students in the San Miguel Program finish their education and enter the workforce, including filling any gaps in tuition, room and board, internship costs, transportation, and other expenses associated with college or other post-secondary education opportunities. Alexis Mendoza (SMA ‘20, The Mount Academy ‘24), its first recipient, made the announcement. Alexis began his freshman year at SUNY Maritime in January, studying international transportation and trade. 

Philip Orlando led the auction segment of the evening which included ski trips and box seats to concerts and sporting events. Competitive bidding for “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”, a painting by pop-expressionist Lynn Mara excited the crowd. The final bid was $14,000 by the artist’s sister-in-law Sheila Mara, who then donated it to hang at San Miguel Academy in Newburgh, NY, the middle school for San Miguel Program. Lynn Mara created the painting in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Program’s founding.