Gustave J. Scacco
Board of Trustees
Gus Scacco has been the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Hudson Valley Investment Advisors (HVIA) since 2015 and Portfolio Manager on HVIA’s mutual fund since inception. Prior to joining HVIA, Gus was Chief Operating Officer and Senior Equity Analyst at TigerShark Management, LLC, a seed fund known as a “Tiger Cub” under Tiger Management Corp. He was previously an Equity Portfolio Manager and Partner of Angelo Gordon Asset Management. Gus has worked at Morgan Stanley, running the firm’s Capital Growth Fund. He has over 30 years of experience as a portfolio manager and analyst in both the institutional and high net worth markets. Gus has also has been an adjunct instructor in Finance at Hofstra University. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Adelphi University and an MBA in Finance from Hofstra University. If you watch Fox Business, you’ll often see Gus as a regular guest talking about the markets. When he’s not looking after portfolios, Gus is active as a board member for both public and not-for-profit organizations.