
San Miguel Academy is funded completely by donations from individuals, corporations, trusts and foundations. Your gift can take on special meaning when you chose to make it In Honor Of or In Memory Of someone special or to celebrate a happy occasion. Recurring Donations are another way to support San Miguel.

Donate Online

We accept credit and debit cards online.

Donate by Check

Checks are made payable and mailed to:

San Miguel Academy of Newburgh
245 Renwick Street
Newburgh, NY 12550

Matching Gifts

Does your Company have a Matching Gift Program? If so, please consider taking advantage of matching funds to increase the impact of your gift- you may be able to double or even triple your contribution- at no added cost.

Planned Giving

To make your legacy last at San Miguel, please contact your professional advisor  to determine what options will work best for you. A meaningful way to continue your legacy is through a bequest. Please let us know if you have chosen to make a bequest or other planned gift to San Miguel Program.

Donate Gifts of Stocks and Annuities

San Miguel Program is also able to accept gifts of stock and annuities from other investment vehicles. Stocks are immediately sold and converted to cash. San Miguel Academy does not hold stocks in its portfolio.

Fidelity- National Financial Services LLC
P.O. Box 770001
Cincinnati Ohio 45277
DTC# 0226
Benefit of San Miguel Academy of Newburgh
Account number: Z47972797

Please contact San Miguel Program to notify us of any stock gifts or direct your broker to disclose the donor’s identity. Brokers are under a privacy requirement and cannot disclose the giftor’s identity without the donor’s permission.

845-763-8961 /  

Every year we publish a list of our donors in our Annual Dinner and Fundraiser Journal. Please let us know if you would like to remain anonymous.

We are grateful for the support and partnership of many organizations and foundations, including the New York Giants, who honored our nationally-ranked rowers with the “Local Latino Achievement Award” at MetLife Stadium in October, 2022